Act 166 Early Education

Please view these helpful FAQs for more information on the Act 166 program.

Act 166 Registration

What is Act 166? Act 166 is a publicly funded prekindergarten education program. It allows for 10 hours a week of paid preschool by your local school district.

What does it mean for parents?
If your child is three by September 1st of the start of calendar school year they qualify.  The 10 hours a week is paid toward your tuition fee throughout the school year term of 35 weeks.  The amount is paid directly to Kid Learning Logic and your rates will be adjusted to reflect this.

How do I enroll?
Registration/Applications for ACT 166 Public Preschool/Pre-K Funding is open in the Spring and will be processed by all districts in order to secure your enrollment at Kid Logic Learning. Please submit your district application now. if your application is not processed in time upon Fall start date of August 21, 2023 you will be responsible for full tuition amount.

You must fill out an application with the school district you reside in.  Schools should all have information about the funding on their website and an application to mail in or drop off.  When submitting the application you will be asked for a copy of your child’s birth certificate and proof of residency, a utility bill or something along the lines.

Once you apply you should hear back from the school within a week or so with confirmation and acceptance.

Schools Districts Kid Logic Learning is currently pre qualified with.

Addison Northwest Supervisory Union Saint Albans – Maple Run
Burlington District  Fletcher Elementary School
Champlain Valley School District  Georgia Elementary & Middle School
Colchester Mt. Mansfield Unified SD
Essex Westford School District South Burlington
Milton Elementary School Winooski Elementary School

Below are some helpful resources and information on Act 166.

Vermont Agency of Education Website
Child Care Resource Website