Admission & Attendance Policy
Kid Logic Learning admits all children of any race, color, nationality and ethnic origin. Every child is provided access to equal rights, privileges, programs and activities. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, language, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, disability or special need accommodations.
Please notify school immediately if your child will not be attending on a scheduled day.
REGISTRATION: Registration forms are required along with a non-refundable registration fee for a child’s enrollment based on program availability. Registration fees are due at time of enrollment and annually. Please ask administration for information on registration due dates. A Registration form is required for all school sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer) or at the time your child start at our program if mid-session. Contracts are then emailed or given to parents to review the schedule and tuition rate. A returned signed contract, immunization records, Well Care report, and all additional documentation are required prior to your child’s start date. This contract is in effect for the school or summer sessions, or until otherwise stated by Administration.
CONTRACTS: A new contract will be provided for each school session (Fall/Spring, Summer) and for any changes made to a child’s scheduled days or copay amounts. Schedules may only be changed at the beginning of each school session unless the school is able to accommodate a change request sooner. Families agree to commit to all schedule and tuition information for the entirety of each session, unless otherwise approved by Administration. A two week written notice is required at any time during the school year for change to schedule or departure from the program.
9 hour contracted time definition: At the time of registration you may request a 9 hour time period for your child’s daily attendance. When you receive your contract, the scheduled times are to meet your family’s needs as well as necessary teacher coverage. Therefore it is imperative that the 9 hours you are contracted for are followed in order to maintain our teacher/child ratio. If you are in need of a different time or schedule you must have the Director’s permission prior. Late fee: If you are late for picking your child up you will be charged $5.00 for every 5 min. after contracted time and/or $10.00 for every 5 min. after 5:30pm. This is based on when you retrieve your child, not when you sign them out from our Procare system. All late fees will be applied to your procare account and payment is promptly required.
SUBSIDY: Child Care Subsidy is always accepted and families must provide the required documentation prior to their child’s enrollment. Children may start attendance based on the start date of the subsidy certificate. Families are responsible for certificate renewal upon expiration, otherwise regular tuition rate will apply during any lapse of subsidy coverage. Families are also liable for any and all copay adjustments, and responsible for subsidy changes that may increase weekly tuition/copayments. If you are in need of financial assistance please talk to director.